
Naturopaths in Oregon are licensed primary care physicians, but I am not a PCP for any insurance company. Typically, visits with me are billed as a specialist visit. Please consult your specific insurance when determining what may be covered. Some of my specialties include:

  • Women’s health including PMS, PMDD, perimenopause, irregular menses, PCOS etc

  • Fertility and preconception care

  • Postpartum support

  • Endocrine/hormone balancing including thyroid, female hormones, stress hormones

  • Immune imbalances or autoimmune diseases

  • Mental health, mood imbalance

  • Gastrointestinal complaints

  • Food Intolerances

  • SIBO and IBS

  • Inflammation 

  • Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome, PCOS

  • Detox programs  

  • Skin symptoms

  • High Blood Pressure

  • Fatigue and Insomnia

  • Wellness checks: annuals, well-child care, physical exams

  • Diagnostic labwork 

  • Acute illness such as UTIs, sore throats, vaginal infections.....etc.

  • And so much more………