Naturopaths in Oregon are licensed primary care physicians, but I am not a PCP for any insurance company. Typically, visits with me are billed as a specialist visit. Please consult your specific insurance when determining what may be covered. Some of my specialties include:
Women’s health including PMS, PMDD, perimenopause, irregular menses, PCOS etc
Fertility and preconception care
Postpartum support
Endocrine/hormone balancing including thyroid, female hormones, stress hormones
Immune imbalances or autoimmune diseases
Mental health, mood imbalance
Gastrointestinal complaints
Food Intolerances
Diabetes, Metabolic Syndrome, PCOS
Detox programs
Skin symptoms
High Blood Pressure
Fatigue and Insomnia
Wellness checks: annuals, well-child care, physical exams
Diagnostic labwork
Acute illness such as UTIs, sore throats, vaginal infections.....etc.
And so much more………